Our facilities are built around providing the best care and living environments for our horses from the day they hit the ground to their retirement. With state of the art facilities, equipment, and layout, our ranch provides a place where veterinarian, trainer, and provider care can be delivered. Our work and equine training environments ensure opportunity for growth and opportunity for our staff.

The Coyote Rock Ranch Advantage
We’re committed to raising winning cutting horses and producing excellent quality alfalfa and grass hay. We have developed outstanding systems to ensure excellence in every aspect of Coyote Rock Ranch. Whether it’s a bale of hay or a future-champion foal, we want it to be the very best. Choose an area to learn more about the quality that defines the Coyote Rock Ranch Advantage.
Premiere Breeding Facility
Click & Drag Below to Explore Our Facilities
High Quality Broodmares
Quality over quantity
We handpicked our broodmares to ensure proven pedigrees and performance records and crossed them with top-of-the-industry sires to produce exceptional prospects. Our unique breeding philosophy focuses on quality over quantity. By breeding a small number of quality broodmares, we can focus more closely on the individual care and training of each horse, with the goal of giving every foal the best possible opportunity to become a winner.
Industry Support
We believe our success is bound to the health and well being of the communities that support our efforts. This includes educators, veterinarians, equine foundations, and local youth and cutting horse associations.
In partnership with the Foundation for The Horse, Penelope Knight created the Coyote Rock Ranch Scholarship in 2015. The annual program now awards four third year veterinarian students $75,000. Since the award of the first scholarships in 2016, 32 AAEP student members have shared in cumulative proceeds of nearly $2.5 Million dollars.

Top Tier Agriculture
Hay Production & Quality Nutrition
At Coyote Rock Ranch, we grow top quality alfalfa and grass hay on 260 acres of irrigated farmland in Central Oregon. In support of the ranch operation, we sell horse quality alfalfa and grass hay that meets or exceeds nutritional standards. We carefully control every aspect of farming and production, bringing our horses – and our customers – the highest quality results.
By growing our own hay and carefully monitoring and testing nutritional content, we are able to raise healthier, higher quality performance horses. From selecting the seed, to farming the land, irrigating it with our efficient irrigation system, to testing and controlling the nutritional value of each crop yield, Coyote Rock Ranch controls every aspect of our hay production, and therefore, our horses’ nutrition.